The future is obscure for us. But it is
within us, in our present work, projects, and programmes for
the city and country, in scientific researches always oriented
beyond the current day.
Perm enterprises are getting more powerful and competitive
in world markets - this is their contribution to the future.
Perm banks are reliable and effective - this is the basis
for the future, too.
Perm architects plan new highways, tunnels, bridges, original
blocks of flats and office blocks and are ready to realise
their plans in the twenty first century style - this is a
step towards the future.
Perm environmentalists, caring about clear
water and air in the city, make up their projects - this is
their preparation for our future.
Perm intelligentsia realise their spiritual energy in cultural
programmes and successful collective or private creative work
- this is our common welfare and guarantee of future spiritual
wealth and moral health.
Perm public endeavours are oriented to the twenty first century
- this is a guarantee that the land is properly developing.
No 1 Lyceum
At last, Perm young citizens are gifted
and beautiful - this is a sign that the city has the future.
The city administration established a prize in order to create
Perm's future intellectual potential and support the gifted
youth. In last four years 22 students and 120 schoolchildren
were awarded it. They include pupils from No 146 and 17 secondary
schools with a bias towards sciences, gifted-in-music children
from No 107 school, young researchers from No 9 school, children
from No 130 lyceum school, etc. In No 1 lyceum teachers do
their best developing the true lyceum spirit of freedom and
broad-mindedness in their pupils. There are Dyagelev classical
school which is to keep the high traditions of art on account
of the man it named after, and schools with a bias towards
economy, humanities, environmental sciences or foreign languages.
Perm schoolboys and schoolgirls travel round the world, take
part in olympiads and competitions, become winners. Perm schoolchildren
and students carry out serious researches, write papers to
be included into special scientific journals and read at scientific
conferences, get various awards and Soros' grants.
A peculiar class-room for a common
lesson: children breath the fresh air enriched with
Ural salt
The youthof Perm de monstrate talents
in arts and records in sports. Like any other teenagers, they
enjoy movement and modern rhythm, they dance, sing and fall
in love.
Those children who have just started their first school will
fall in love. They will enjoy new music and new rhythm, master
new software and snobbishly remark on our errors.
Those who will leave the secondary school in one - two years
will take over the responsibility for the land on the Kama
banks. They will have to determine the political and economic
course of their city, region, country. They will give new
poets and new governors of the province, new Olympic champions
and new academicians.
Their life will not be all too easy but from the childhood
they are more open to the world, their daring minds will overcome
sluggishness, and they will manage not only to preserve but
also develop the traditions of devotion, creativity, originality
on our ancient but young land.
Perm variant of St. Tatyana's
Day, the students' holiday in Russia
Composer I. Anufriev and his pupils
At Perm Fine Arts Academy
Lesson at Choreography College
Arnold Rainik, Artistic Director
of LALLEN children dance theatre, with young artists
Perm. The poem of the town:
Photo album. Publishing house «Pushka», 2003